The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.

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The Wednesday Market:  Here Is Your Weekly Reminder to Order

Good afternoon.

The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. Check the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:

We thank you for supporting locally grown agriculture and for choosing to buy locally. Have a great Sunday, and we’ll see you at the Market.



Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  Don't forget to order...

Just a friendly reminder, if you haven’t already placed your order, that market orders are due online by 6 pm TODAY.

Click Here to Place Your Order For WEDNESDAY pick up in Suwanee

Thank you for placing your order and supporting local farms and businesses!

Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op:  Seeking a new market manager

Spa City Co-op is seeking a new market manager to enter rotation with two other managers. Being a market manager means you get your membership free, and have a voice in the running of the co-op.

A manager is responsible for the running of one market per month or less, and it’s not difficult. We can train you in about 15 minutes. It’s actually fun and you can learn how this all works.

If you would be interested in stepping up to help run the co-op, let us know at the market this Friday, or email Karen at

Independence,VA:  It's ICE CREAM SOCIAL DAY!


Good morning!

We hope you can all join us this afternoon for our Ice Cream Social! You won’t want to miss out on the fun! If you haven’t been, we close down the entire street in front of the Grayson Landcare office, set up tents, tables and chairs, and even have a band and children’s activities. Of course, the best part is…the ICE CREAM and yummy toppings! All of the proceeds go to the Independence Farmers Market!

Don’t forget to place your Online Market order this week by 8 pm tomorrow night!

To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.

Have a great day!


Dawson Local Harvest:  NEW This Week on Dawson Harvest

Dawson Local Harvest for August 24th

NEW This Week On Dawson Harvest


Lots to Tell You About this week, with several New Arrivals in the past few Days! First of all HEIRLOOM GARDENS has added what I would call Gourmet Mushrooms, the kind difficult to find in stores, and certainly not local and naturally grown. Available right now, Oyster, Shiitake, and Lion’s Mane. I can’t wait to get these beauties into my kitchen!

Also NEW this week, delicious creations from CRAVE PIE STUDIOS. As the name implies, they do wonderful Pies like Chocolate Bourbon Pecan and Lemon Chess, sized right at 8 ounces, perfect for 2 (unless you’re greedy. Guilty!). Look for these in the Fresh Bakery section.

There’s also News on the Produce front. LEILANI’S has a crop of small, slender (and tender) “fingerling” Green Beans which are prepared whole. Really tasty stir-fried in olive oil and garlic with a touch of soy sauce, served as a side, even tender enough to be added to salad. These don’t last long, so if you’re interested, ORDER NOW.

Also ready now, Jalapeno Peppers, the first peppers ready now, plus Squash, Green Beans, and Cucumbers. Finally, available this week, Figs, all-natural and fresh-picked, if you have never tried them, believe me you don’t know what you’re missing!


REMEMBER! You can now order until Tuesday night at 9 pm. Pick up your order at Leilani’s Gardens Friday afternoons from 4 to 6 pm.

You’ll find the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST at

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible! We guarantee your satisfaction with all products in the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST.

If you like what we’re doing please tell a friend!

Alan Vining
Market Manager

Stones River Market:  Market is OPEN, Winter Squash is IN

The Market is OPEN

Good Morning everyone and especially new customers that have recently joined the market. Please spread the news about The Stones River Online Market on your social medium sites and tell your friends, family and neighbors. As a reminder we are still in our “10 Year Anniversary” celebration, this is week 5 or the 10 weeks! When you order each week your name is added to “The Basket” for a chance to win a $25 or $10 Gift Certificates to the market. We drawing we be September 26, you will be notified if you are a ‘winner’.

Several Winter Squash varieties have been added to the market this week. The term winter squash is a bit of a misnomer: Harvested in the fall, these hardy vegetables will keep well through the cold winter months for which they’re named. There are many, vividly colored, flavorful and nutrient-packed winter squash varieties, they are sweeter, denser, and more firm in texture than summer squash or zucchini, autumn and winter squash take well to a wide spectrum of seasonings and can be true crowd-pleasers in warming soups, casseroles, risotto, lasagna, and even desserts.

Many have noticed Double Star Bar Farms has not been on the market for a couple weeks, SAD to report they will no longer be with the market but HAPPY to report they will be starting a new chapter of their lives moving to California. They have been truly a great asset to the market over the past 10 years and will be greatly missed. We wish them the best.

Looking forward seeing you on “The Porch” of Quinn’s Mercantile.

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s the map:

RAF Buying Clubs :  Time to Order!

Goodmorning Buying Club Members!

It is time to start sending in your orders for this week’s pick-ups in Rivermont Area and Forest.

Head over to to view our online market and place your order.

Please email us at with any questions

Thank you and have a wonderful Sunday!

Dothan, Alabama:  August 18, 2018 M@D Newsletter

We are open to accept orders.
Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
If you’re wondering about that “MAD” bit, its only about good healthy food!

This Week’s Newsletter:
Homeopathy in the Garden
The Rest of the Story
Market News
Grower Notes


Mrs. Patty is our guest writer this week! We’re so grateful that she’s willing to share from her wealth of knowledge.

I am embarking on a homeopathic journey for myself and am thus subscribed to some newsletters. A few weeks ago, they pressure washed the building I live in and unfortunately did not tell me they were coming nor did they move the pot my peppers were in so they got drenched in pressure washing solution…bleach :( Over the next few days, the leaves all started turning yellow and falling off. All the buds fell off and it looked like it was FTD…(fixin’ to die). Then a newsletter article About using homeopathic silica (Silacea) for ailing plants came in my email and I figured I would try it. I knew it sure couldn’t hurt and had the potential to really help. I tried it and within 3 days, they quit dropping leaves and put out a lot more buds. Now, about a week later, I have a ton more peppers set. I wish I had a before picture. This little experience of course, made me want to research more and I thought I would share with y’all, my favorite people!

The practice of homeopathy is about 200 years old and is based on the principle that like cures like. It uses minuscule doses of a substance that would produce symptoms to cure symptoms. There is really almost nothing left of the original substance in an homeopathy prep except its energy signature. The whole premise behind homeopathy is that the body can cure itself. The focus is on the patient…human, animal or plant…not the “disease”.

This pepper plant was as good as dead before Patty brought back to life with a homeopathic remedy.

The basic principle of organic gardening is that healthy soil and a healthy environment lead to healthy, disease resistant plants. Homeopathic remedies for plants promote healthy soil and address nutrient deficiencies. For example, homeopathic boron will treat both boron deficiency and boron toxicity. Homeopathy induces homeostasis. Plants have been proven to respond to stimuli although not through a “nervous system” like in the animal world. Michael Pollan wrote: “ Plants have evolved between fifteen and twenty distinct senses, including analogues of our five: smell and taste (they sense and respond to chemicals in the air or on their bodies); sight (they react differently to various wavelengths of light as well as to shadow); touch (a vine or a root “knows” when it encounters a solid object); and, it has been discovered, sound.”

You can also apply the principle of companion planting in choosing homeopathic remedies. For example, tomatoes and basil are known companion plants and spraying homeopathic basil on tomato plants results in strong, healthy plants.

While the emphasis, in a healthy garden, is treat the plant, there are frequently instances where a specific disease or pest must be addressed. Part 2 will cover some basic remedies for your garden.



If you read our newsletter on July 28 you may remember some of the “frankenfood” trends going on ourside our realm of local sustainable eats. The one that disturbed your Market Manager the most was the laboratory created meat.

It turns out there’s a lot more to that! The effort to produce meat in a laboratory was started by PETA in 2008 with a one million cash prize to the first one who could pull it off. If you would like to learn more this article from Medium has all the details.


Many thanks to Mrs. Melody for sharing a great produce tip with us:

These onions from Danny’s Greens are 4 weeks old and are incredibly fresh. Mrs. M. keeps the bottoms in water and snips the tops as she needs them.

Paying it Forward: What a great honor to have Jessica Kelton with the Headland Extension Service with us yesterday! Jessica has been assigned to write an article about CSA’s and sustainable farming markets. She spent the morning with us interviewing several of our growers. We hope her work helps other growers and communities around the state.

And we haven’t forgot! Next week we’ll announce the dates for our Fall Saturday Markets.

New & Relisted Products

  • Hot Banana Peppers from Grier Acres
  • Basil Pesto-Organic Lime from Hawkins Homestead
  • Clemson Spineless & Emerald Okra from Grier Acres
  • (Kitty Krack) Catnip from Grier Acres
  • Jalapino Peppers form Grier Acres
  • Avalon Okra is relisted


We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.


This is our new mobile covered chicken nest schooner. The new girls are slightly ahead of schedule as we got our first eggs this week. Which means our egg mobile is slightly behind schedule. They apparently they can’t read gantt charts!

These  hens are currently located on Garden 2. They will be tilling the soil, eating bugs and weeds, all the while fertilizing the garden for next year.

The weed block landscape fabric the tomatoes were planted on was pretty much a disaster. It didn’t really stop the weeds and it shredded. What a mess. I’ve been clearing out the tomato vines and ripping up the landscape fabric and weeds. I planted the first row of sugar snap peas in their place to reuse the t-posts and string trellis. Saved a little labor.

Just for fun:
Crinkle your nose and say the word “snout”. It just makes us laugh. LOL

BAIN HOME GARDENS: Hello Marketeers!
Have you ever been gifted seeds or plants, grown them successfully while not being exactly sure what variety you are growing? Funny story that: We have peas of some sort. We were gifted seeds by a dear friend who is from Jamaica and he called them “Jamaican Peas”. We headed to the internet but was overwhelmed with information. Then we spoke to one of my husbands cousins from the Islands and they said they thought that the peas were pigeon peas. Yay! Nope. Recently we have discovered that this is not correct either. Further research shows these could be a type of Cowpea, hence the earlier statement “we have peas of some sort”. Whatever they are they are quite tasty! We have used them as snaps and we have shelled them. Good eatin’! If you have funny seed sharing/gifting stories, please share over on our Facebook page. Let us know we are not alone!

We have the best customers in the Wiregrass area. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. We couldn’t do this without you!

HORTONS FARM: “Little by little, inch by inch. By the yard it’s hard, by the inch what a cinch. Never stare up the stairs just step up the steps, little by little, inch by inch.”

I’ve found myself singing this little Patch the Pirate song all along during this process of putting our home back together. Sometimes it seems to drag on forever despite progress being made every day. The pantry is very close and we hope to move the refrigerator and freezer back before days end.

We miss the kitchen! With so much of the pantry items stored there it’s been impossible to do much more than one pot wonders. We look forward to making great stuff like Salmon Rub and Cinnamon Creamed Honey again!

Left: Mopsi is most patient while I paint & stain. Right: Ready for shelves!

On a different and perhaps silly note, do you realize none of us will ever be able to date anything “08/18/18” in our lifetime again?

HAWKINS HOMESTEAD Hello Market Friends! Isn’t it nice to have had some cooler days this week. With all the rain the temperatures were so nice! We definitely enjoyed being outside, but wished there hadn’t been so much rain so we could do more.

On our urban farm we have been SO busy! With the start of the school year, homeschool for us…it’s always challenging to get back into a routine of school when your 11 and you’ve spent your summer sleeping in and having fun. I’m sure all you parents agree! So couple that with Fall plantings, garden changes, plus trying to balance work, family, and our spiritual things! Well let’s just say we’re tired!

Even still we’re working hard to bring you the best organic food we can. Speaking of which something new for us is organic mung beans! We’re growing them specifically for bean sprouts! Sadly we don’t have enough to share, but don’t fret because our friends at Bain Home Gardens have sprouts on the Market right now so grab some. New for us this week is our LIME basil pesto! In one word all we can say is YUM! See you next week!


We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write

Market Schedule
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: Daleville Chamber of Commerce Office

Our Website:
Our Email:

On Facebook:
Join our Online Discussions!
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op:  Weblog Entry

The Spa City Co-op market is now open for ordering at

Please place your orders before Tuesday at 9 pm, and plan to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday from 3PM to 4:30PM. If you’re unable to pick up your order at this time please make arrangements to have your order picked up for you.
Remember to scroll all the way down and click place this order.

Don’t forget – this market has no paid positions, so we NEED VOLUNTEERS to run every market. It’s fun, you get a $5 gift card for a long shift, as well as extend your membership by 2 months, and you learn so much about local foods in Arkansas.
Have a great week and see you on Friday!

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Time to Order Fresh Local Farm Products!

Manchester Locally Grown market

Our pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, which is located at 215 East Fort Street. Click on the address for a map, then turn it around to see the pavilion.

Good morning!

Welcome to this week’s offerings from your online farmers’ market. Everything you see on our website is the “cream of the crop” from local farmers, the best products picked and made with pride especially for YOU! When you place an order with our farms, you know you are supporting your friends and neighbors, most located within 30 miles of Manchester, Tennessee.

The market will remain open for your orders till Tuesday at 10 pm.

Please be sure to read the section of the page entitled “Important Ordering and Pickup Information.”

Farm News of the Week

Some of our farmers don’t have time to set up a table and actually meet you face-to-face on Thursdays, so I thought it might be nice to do the next best thing and “introduce” a few of them to you in the newsletter. Amy Rae and her husband Caleb own Solace Farm in Coalmont, TN. Amy has written us a short introduction:

We took 3 steers off to the processor today, so we will be restocked on our start-to-finish grass fed beef in a couple more weeks. These Scottish Highland steers were born on our farm, and were never treated with anything. Highlands are a smaller-framed, slow-growing breed that are well-suited for grass-fed. It takes 3 years to raise them to maturity so they have a slower turnover rate than commercial beef breeds, but it is well worth the wait for their amazing beef! They are a rare breed that marbles even on grass since their thick furry coat means they don’t have to put their fat on the outside for warmth. It frequently wins taste tests, and the Queen of England keeps a small herd for personal use!

Knottynuffacres has added “San Marzano”, an Italian low-acid cooking tomato with thick dry flesh and few seeds, a great tomato for stewing and/or canning sauces and pastes. Deb has also added two types of peppers, jalapeños and Anaheims.

(Top) Jalapeños Peppers;
(Bottom L to R) San Marzano Tomatoes and Anaheim Peppers.

Native Fare farm has closed their market offerings for this season so Riley can return to college. They wish to thank their loyal customers for another good season.

Important Ordering and Pickup Information

Ordering will be open until TUESDAY at 10 p.m., and your order will be available for pickup on THURSDAY between 4:00 and 5:30 at the pavilion across from Manchester City Schools administration building, 215 East Fort Street, Manchester.

We can also deliver your order to your home (or other location) on Friday afternoons, for a small fee, if it’s more convenient for you. If you prefer to utilize this service, please place an order for it, same as other products, selecting your delivery area. Don’t forget to give us your location address in the comments section of the order. Also please text Linda at (931) 273-9708 for specific arrangements.

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. We offer a great variety of local farm products, and our items will be in your hands in time to plan for the weekend. Wonderful local products are available for ordering from the comfort of your own computer.

More new farmers are considering joining our market, if they can expect enough sales to help pay their transportation costs. Please help us grow the market by sharing this e-mail with your friends and inviting them to give us a try. And if you haven’t ordered from Manchester Locally Grown for a while, please check out our wide variety of offerings this week. Also please let us know if we can improve our selection or scheduling in any way to better suit your needs.

Linda & Michael

Here is the complete list for this week.